Therion Biologic, a biotech company
- Prepared Schedules & Statements and otherwise facilitated the Chapter 7 filing of Therion Biologic in Delaware.
- All employees had been terminated and all records shipped to storage prior to the start of the engagement.
International Branded Eyewear Distributor
- Interim Wind Down Manger
- Met wind down budget despite unsuccessful attempt to sell business by secured lender.
- Set up vendor deductions during wind down for recovery as preference items by Trustee. Minimized Wal-Mart deductions during wind down.
- Facilitated transfer of licenses that lead to bulk sales at favorable terms.
Breakaway Solutions
- Daily crisis management focused on trade relationships – negotiated vendor repayment plans and buyouts including situations where creditor already had judgment and attachment. Kept company out of bankruptcy until $30MM PIPE closed.
- Established accounts payable function and controls to keep critical vendors current.
Goldman Industrial Group
- Responsible for consolidated group cash flow forecast for this $300MM+ revenue machine tool manufacturer.
- Managed critical vendor relation ships for Bridgeport Machine Tool subsidiary.
- Liquidated, by way of a Delaware statutory liquidation, this non-profit whose members were the research hospitals in Greater New York City.
- Convinced members to contribute over $1MM to fund a proper wind down including a token distribution to creditors.
- Neither the creditors nor the members took any formal legal action.
- Found a home for AMDeC’s crown jewel, a pioneering database of DNA samples that led to over 70 published papers.